Wednesday, May 2, 2018

WE ARE SEEDS! The time is close... 80- degrees today! Planting celebration this weekend!

Delicious plants donated by Tracey and Jerry!

Tomato plants planted from seed by TBA classes at T'Bchu Vat


  1. Jim, I am really concerned about you planting tomatoes and peppers and basil this weekend. You probably know this, but the general rule of thumb is to hold off until after the last frost date in the area, and around here it is usually considered Memorial Day. Even though it is so warm now, here in NE we can have great fluctuations of weather. So I hope you will progress with enthusiastic caution.

  2. We’ll be planting seeds and plants that like the cool earth, like lettuce, kale, broccoli, peas, beans, corn, and chives.... tomato plants and peppers will be planted in June when the sun warms the earth more!!
